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News / April 13, 2010

Trinity duo fly the flag for dentistry in Front Square

by Guy Hiscott

Dr Garry Fleming is celebrating his success as a new Fellow of Trinity College Dublin. Also recognised was dental science student Eoin Darragh O’Morain, who has received a scholarship.

Scholars are students who have demonstrated exceptional knowledge and understanding of their subjects and are elected annually in various subjects as a result of an examination held in the week before the start of Hilary term.

Research achievement or scholarship of a high order is the primary qualification for Fellowship, along with evidence of the candidate’s contribution to the academic life of the College and effective record of teaching. 

The announcements at Trinity College Dublin heralded the beginning of the annual Trinity Week; in total, three Honorary Fellows, 17 new Fellows and 80 new Scholars of the College were named. 

The ceremony is one of the oldest and most colourful at Trinity College and marks the beginning of the annual Trinity Week, a long established celebration of College life.

The announcements were made by the Provost of Trinity, Dr John Hegarty, surrounded by members of the Board of the College in full academic gowns on the steps of the Public Theatre. Students and staff celebrated the occasion with colleagues, friends and families in Front Square.