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News / December 11, 2009

Orthodontic students graduate from UCC

by Guy Hiscott

The winter conferring ceremonies at UCC saw the first cohort of DClinDent (Orthodontics) graduates.

This three-year full-time programme, directed by Professor Declan Millett, is the first taught doctorate programme in orthodontics in Ireland.

It was established with considerable support from the Health Service Executive (HSE), which is ongoing.

The programme is approved by the Irish Committee for Specialist Training in Dentistry and meets the educational requirements for the Membership/Fellowship in Orthodontics examinations of the Royal Colleges.

The graduates are now eligible for inclusion on the Register of Dental Specialists held by the Dental Council of Ireland.

During his conferring address, Professor Michael Berndt, Head of the College of Medicine & Health at UCC, said to the new graduates: ‘In your careers as you proceed, I would encourage you also to expect the unexpected and take up opportunities as they arise. I congratulate you all on your achievement here today. I would encourage you going forward to take a global view, to listen to the views of others, to observe and learn.’