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News / May 15, 2008

Photos to adorn cigarette packs for shock impact

by Guy Hiscott

The Minister for Health and Children, Mary Harney TD, proposes to introduce legislation to allow for the introduction of combined text and photo warnings on tobacco products.

Pre-testing of the 42 images in the EU library has already been conducted and the 14 warnings to be used on the Irish market have been identified.

Submissions are invited from the public and interested parties in relation to the timescale for the introduction of these warnings.

Submissions should be forwarded by post to Public Consultation, Tobacco Control Unit, Department of Health & Children, Hawkins House, Dublin 2 or by email to The closing date for receipt of submissions is 5.30pm on Friday 20 June 2008.

Please note all submissions are subject to the Freedom of Information Acts.

You can view the images at